I Complain

I complain
That my clothes are outdated
Then God showed me people who don’t even have spare clothes to wear

I complain
That I’m too short
Then God gave me friends shorter than me who carry themselves with their head held high

I complain
That I don’t have fingers and toes like them beautiful ladies
Then God gave me a friend having 12 fingers and 12 toes, and is the most confident person I’ve ever met

I complain
That my skin tone’s not fair enough
Then God gave me beautiful friends having darker skin tones

I complain
That my Android phone uses up battery too much
Then God showed me a man who doesnt even know what a mobile phone is

I complain
That I hate mosquitoes, they leave scars on my skin
Then God showed me people living in malaria-prone area who dont even have enough protection

I complain 
That dad doesn’t understand my problems sometimes
Then God gave me friends who have to live their lives with no one to call “Dad”

I complain
My house is not cozy enough
Then God showed me people who can’t even afford a house

I complain
That I’m not given the opportunity to go abroad
Then God showed me people who havent even seen a city bus in their life

I complain
That life’s too tough
Then God showed me pictures of victims from the Muslim-Bodo riots who have lost all their lands and clothes, and they now live in a school

I complain
That I don’t have a sister
Then God made me see friends who long to have at least one brother in their life

I complain
That the money I have is not enough
Then God made me see a man earning his livelihood selling sliced pineapples everyday 

Tell me, what do you complain about? I guess we have to start counting our blessings so that we can stop complaining and start appreciating

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