@ DIPR | 04 July 2018: Nimin (3 July 2018) khan United State of America-a Colombia University leh Stanford University mi thiamten Mizoram Youth Commission Chairman Pu Joseph Lalhimpuia hmuin, Mizoram thalaite hmakhua atana thawhpui atan an sawm.

Columbia University atanga Prof. Nikhar Gaikwad, Department of Political Science,  Kolby Hanson, Department of Political Science, leh Aliz Toth, Department of Political Science, Stanford University te chuan MYC Chairman Pu Joseph Lalhimpuia chu a office chamber-ah kawmin Gulf Country-a Hospitality lama thawk tura Mizo thalaite training pe tura thawh hopuiah an sawm a. Heng University pahnih hi Gulf ram-a hna thawhtir thintu Vira International te, training petu Free Climb leh Survey lam khawihtu Cvoter te nen thawk ho an ni.
MYC Chairman chuan Mizo thalaite tan a that dan tur te, a him tawk em tih leh thil tul dang zir chian tul an lo zir chiang phawt dawn tih hrilhin, chumi hnuah chuan a tul anga la inbiak chhunzawm a, Mizo thalaite tana thil tha leh tangkai tur a nih dawn chuan thawh ho dan tur uluk taka ngaihtuah a nih tur thu a lo hrilh a. Thawh hona tura MYC-in sawmna a dawn hi tihhlawhtlin theih a nih chuan Mizo thalai mi 250-in a thlawnin Aizawlah training an nei ang a, certificate pawh Columbia University-in a pe chhuak ang a, India ram pawna hna thawh nana hman tangkai theih tur a ni nghe nghe dawn a ni.
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