Mizo girls selected for junior team India camp

Three girls, Esther Hmingthansangi (goalkeeper), Vanlalhriatiri (Forward) and Grace H Lalrampari (midfield) from Mizoram were selected by All India Football Federation to attend the coaching camp of U-17 women’s team to be held from July 1 to 15 at SAI, New Delhi for the upcoming BRICS Games 2018.  The BRICS Games will take place in Johannesburg, South Africa in December 2018. 35 players across the country were selected to attend the national camp and final selection will be had during the course of the camp. However, out of three Mizo girls, only two will join the camp, Esther Hmingthansangi who hailed from a very remote village of Zawngin in northern Aizawl district, failed to gather the necessary documents demanded by the football federation and could not join the camp.
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